Wii Articles


Review: Lord of Magna: Maiden Heaven

Do you have the power? Are you the one? Lord of Magna: Maiden Heaven is the latest RPG by Marvelous (Rune Factory 4 and Senran Kagura) Localised by XSEED. It follows the story of “Insert your name here” Eduard (I went with his default name of Luchs here.


Review: Splatoon

When I first heard the announcement of Splatoon, the first thing that came to mind was a kid’s game that was on SMTV many years ago, but in fact, Splatoon is Nintendo’s first third person shooter on the Wii U.


Games @ MCM London – May 2015

This year’s MCM event in London featured several game companies, all showing off their major new and upcoming releases. We didn’t get time to try everything out, but here’s a look at some of the games that stood out during the weekend.


Mighty No.9 gets a new trailer and ‘retro’ DLC skin

With the new release date for Mighty No.9 slowly getting closer, Deep Silver have released a new 60fps trailer showing off the different transformations you can use from the bosses you defeat throughout the game.

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