SEGA Articles


Review: Sonic Lost World [3DS]

Riding high on the success of Sonic Colours, Generations and to some extent, Sonic 4, many thought that the problem of glitchy, mediocre Sonic titles was a thing of the past and the infamous ‘Sonic Cycle’ had seen its day.


Sonic Lost World’s Deadly Six detailed in new trailer

Earlier today, Sega released a new extended trailer for Sonic Lost World detailing the main group of bosses in the game, the Deadly Six. At just under 5 minutes long, each character is featured along with snippets from their boss battle stages.


Atlus finds a new home at SEGA

Following several months of uncertainty regarding Atlus’ future after its parent company, Index Corporation filed for bankruptcy, Sega has now confirmed that it has  purchased Atlus and Index via auction, the later of which will be restructured into Sega Dream Corporation.


Total War: ROME II CE unboxing – with Attack Dogs?…

Not content with simply having a plain old regular unboxing for the Total War: Rome II Collectors Edtion, some of the guys at SEGA and Creative Assembly decided to try something different. Namely, preforming the unboxing in a field, while being chased by attack dogs.


EAG Expo 2012

Last week from January 24th to 26th, the EAG International Expo returned to london to showcase some of the new and upcoming products in the amusement and arcade business. Several big players were there such as SEGA and Bandai Namco, as well as many distributors of arcade equipment.

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