Aaaaaaand they’re back again! Sporting the Star Wars theme this time around those Angry Birds are flocking to our itchy little fingers once again to test our patience with a brand new set of birdy powers that mimic some of the most loved aspects from the Star Wars universe.
The Angry Birds themselves are fashioned in the image of the main characters from the books and films; Chewie, Princess Lea, Luke, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Yoda and many more of the characters you’ll know. These characters also have a set of powers and have upgrades too, meaning the game goes that little bit further and is ultimately set-up to be more of a challenge, Which it is. The chapters are set across five locations one of them being a bonus chapter. Tatooine, Death Star, Hoth and Path of the Jedi are the four chapters you’ll play through trying to nail those three star ratings. There’s new elements to consider too like gravitational pulls, moving stages and objects that are placed to create timed throws. These elements all combine to keep this new spacey instalment of Angry Birds as challenging and fun as it could be but you also steadily unlock other powers and super tricky bonus levels which gives it a better life span.
It’s a very testing game once you get stuck on that level that just simply defeats you every time. Angry Birds often requires a good eye for physics and trajectory to get the best out of it and these new level designs will test those aspects even further than before. I’ve invested over five hours into it and that all whizzed by very quickly, it’s a very good game and continues to offer a worthwhile experience again thanks to the Star Wars universe additions.
While playing it, the noises that you get from the birds, pigs and random objects are very amusing and helps create a childlike atmosphere while you play especially if you have ear phones in for whatever reason. These details really sets the game off well as soon as you pick it up, making it one of my favourite additions to the Angry Birds series. You can immerse yourself rather easily into it and there’s 80 force filled levels to get stuck into and challenge your friends on.
Review Summary
Rovio Games seems to have their birdy niche perfected once again, so why not get involved? There’s a free version and a HD version for around £1.99 so there’s no arguments just those ones between the you and the those pigs! Requires Android 2.2 and up