

Sony doubles down with the PS Vita TV & PS Vita Slim

Early this morning, while many in the UK were waking up or on their way to work, Sony held their pre-TGS press conference to show off some of the surprises they had in store before the main event later this month.

Features, News

The voice of Mario comes to London!

With the summer holidays over and grey skies returning, the voice of Mario, Luigi and many other characters in the Mario series; Charles Martinet, came to London’s John Lewis flagship store to bring a day of mario filled fun to hundreds of Nintendo fans.


Eurogamer Expo 2013 tickets are sold out…!

Bad news gamers! Or good if you already got in there early… The Eurogamer Expo has sold out!! If you were lucky enough to get some of those tickets, you’ll get to the chance to check out some of the incredible attractions the expo will have to offer.


Nintendo reveals the Nintendo 2DS!

Have you ever wished you could play Nintendo 3DS games without the sterioscopic 3D effect? Well, most people would simply use the slider on the side of the console to turn it off.

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